广东潮安珂雅工艺时装厂是一家专业生产拉丁舞,肚皮舞腰链、肚皮舞裙子、肚皮舞钉珠文胸、肚皮舞饰品、肚皮舞练习服、健身服,珠绣时装、晚礼服、手勾三角巾、四珠上衣、通花上衣等系列服饰的生产厂家。 本厂拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,以诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临潮安县珂雅工艺服装厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Guangdong Chao An Keya fashion factory is a professional production of belly dance waist chain, belly dance skirts, beaded bra belly dance, belly dance jewelry, belly dance practice wear, fitness wear, beaded fashion, evening dress, hand hook sling, four bead tops, flower tops and other apparel manufacturers. The factory has a complete and scientific quality management system, integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Welcome friends CHAOAN Keya garment factory visit, guidance and business negotiation
肚皮舞腰链; 肚皮舞裙子; 肚皮舞钉珠文胸; 肚皮舞饰品; 肚皮舞练习服; 拉丁舞服装; 广场舞服装; 晚礼服; 手勾三角巾; 珠绣时装;
联系人 : 孙满钿 先生 (销售 经理)
电话 : 86 0768 6532292
移动电话 : 15113744222
传真 : 86 0768 6532292
地址 : 中国 广东 潮州市潮安区沙溪镇上西林村沙池片