【展会时间】 2015-09-04--2015-09-07
【主办单位】 山东省珠宝玉石首饰行业协会 北京环球智展会展服务有限公司 江苏工商联金银珠宝业商会
【承办单位】 亚洲珠宝联合会 深圳市黄金珠宝首饰行业协会 中华全国工商业联合会金银珠宝业商会 广东省金银首饰商会
【展会场馆】 上海世博展览馆
报纸:主流报纸—— 新民晚报、新闻晨报、新闻晚报、文汇报、东方早报等整版广告和新闻稿投放,组委会展会现场统一派发报纸给各参展商,让参展商实实在在看到展会的宣传推广;
1. Newspaper: Mainstream Newspaper: Putting full-page advertisement and news in Xinmin Evening News, Morning Post, Shanghai Evening Post, Wen Hui Bao, Dongfang Daily, the organizer distribute those newspapers to exhibitors on-site to show the exact promotion of fair.
2. TV: Press Interview on-site or live-broadcast by Dragon TV, CCTV-1, documentary TV, CCTV-8 and Cable TV, etc.
3. High-end Media: To ensure the visitor’s quality, the fair committee directly mails or delivers invitation letter to high-end consumers in East China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and Shanghai surrounding area, such as middle class, gold-collar, white collar, business man, VIP of banks, VIP of insurance company, members of top-level clubs in Shanghai and fashion consuming places, etc.
4. Consumer Service Department:
(1) Professional purchasers accumulated in 10 years and 600,000 items in visitors’ database; delivering exhibitor and visitor pass to jewelry markets, wholesale market and trading center for purchasing and visiting.
(2)Through telephone, mail, fax and other ways to invite purchasers and visitors in jewelry clusters and every regions domestic one by one; Mass texting and emailing 1 million messages every month.
(3)Setting booth in famous exhibitions domestic and overseas (Jewelry fair in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing) and delivering invitation letter and ticket for promoting and advertising.
(4) Main Magazines in industry and website promotion; delivering promotion materials to top-level communities and villas.
【展示范围】 钻石、珍珠及宝石Diamonds,fine pearls and precious stones 钻石首饰 Diamond jewellery 珍珠首饰Pearl jewellery 翡翠首饰 Jadeite jewellery 古董首饰Antique jewellery 宝石首饰 Gemset jewellery 翡翠玉石Jade and Jadeite 玛瑙首饰 Agate jewelry 水晶饰品Crystal jewelry 古董及艺术品 Antiques and works of Art 艺术品 works of Art 雕塑品Sculpture 纪念章Commemorative Medal 古玩Antique 琥珀 Amber 欧式古典家具The classical European style furniture
【参展费用】 10000元一个标准展位